The problem with these questions is three fold. You have to go back to the early iterations of this blog. I tried to get this blog started 2 years ago. Another blog years before that. And, another blog years before that. Before that, RSD was a fanfiction website that had 9 generations. I was reuploading my works to different websites day-to-day at times. The net was a very insecure place before AO3, LJ, and Tumblr.
What happened: In the early days, I wanted to do a fanblog, including fanart and fanfic. There would be a few reviews. I wanted a blog on blogger, a few friends had them and got a small following, and I wanted that too. Reviews were my life blood. I never built up enough material beyond my fanfiction to get very far.
Why'd I Quit: The second blog was my original fiction blog. I wanted to monetize it, but found out that you had to have regular content that was unobjectionable according to the google adsense censors. You also had to have had a blog for six months. So, by the time I figured this out, the second blog had fizzled out. My dreamwidth account had dried up as my alpha readers disappeared on me. Throw in a new LJ friend with mental issues going apeshit over a joke, and I just wasn't in the mood.
I tried a month later with this blog, which I had had for a few years by then. I deleted the old posts, which had been numerous. The new format failed because my personal life failed, again. I lost regular contact with the last of my friends as their lives moved on. I don't know why. Maybe they had better things to do than talk with a failed writer. Maybe I was just too depressing to be around, since I kinda got stuck in the situation and couldn't get out of it. Being unemployed means you wrack disiprin!
Don't worry, I'm all bitter now.
Why'd I Return: Tumblr sucks. Seriously. There's not even fanfic there anymore. It's all links to AO3 or that godawful teenybopper website. You can find a thousand self-diagnosed assholes for every pornblog, and trust me, there are a lot of pornblogs there.
I don't know where everyone went. It feels like the world went away, again. This happens every so often.
That doesn't mean I'm going away, though. In fact, I decided, instead of finding where the movement went, I'm going to stick around here. Plant my flag on this blog account again. As my original works come out, it will get mentioned or posted here. And there is a lot of it in the works.
Where Do We Go From Here: Daily postings. Reviews. Jokes. Musings. A little news. Original Fiction. Maybe some original art. It's a personal blog, my crap and crap I find of interest will come together here.
That's good enough, ain't it?
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