Thursday, January 25, 2024

Friday, June 30, 2017

You're a quick study, Dr. Jones.

Still looking for fiction?

Of course not. There's been no views.

Though, I am still trying to write something. I've been busy writing the plots/summaries to my stories along with the climax and ending scenes fleshed out to make writing them easier. It's slow when you're busy and have a headache. At least I am working on it, though.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Smile, You Son Of A Bitch!

If you are looking for stories, you won't find them, yet. I've been busy having an issue with my writer-ma-jig. It's been acting up. It won't write for some reason. Hopefully I got that fixed and it will start working tonight.

Cue the taffy puller and your boyfriend's balls.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Coming Soon, on a face near you...

It's been two days since the last post with good reason. I've been busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Remodeling sucks ass. When I remodel, I don't want to clean. When I clean, I don't want to remodel. The mental fortitude exists for one, but not both. I've been doing both. The though of blogging or writing after that is just a nonstarter.

Here's the thing, I am going to be posting stories as I write them, a chapter (or less) at a time. They will be original works that I plan to edit and sell one day, so don't be surprised if you see one disappear after a few chapters.

That's the plan, at least. In the mean time, have another personal blog post on the house.

If anyone ever reads this, woe is you.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Try Our New Depression Spiral!

For those not in the know, depression, for someone who has a mental health problem, is like a slippery floor. You're constantly walking across it, trying not to slip. You know that if you slip on the depression floor, you're going to go sliding out of control on it.

Welcome to my depressed life.

For someone used to dealing with depression, it takes a series of slips before you fall on your face to the depression floor. In my case, those slips are generally shit I've been dealing with for a long time that refuses to change. My nephew is here and he's using every god damn tool in our set and leaving messes everywhere. Right now, he's more concerned with cleaning up the neighbor's yard than clearing out the mess he's made of our back porch or shed a week ago.

What gets normal people angry triggers a nuclear strike on my fragile emotions. I had to take a klonopin because I'm having a not so fresh feeling between my ears. Throw in allergies, laundry, and this need to finish dinner, and I'm just a big ole ball of sunshine. Real sunshine, that radiation death ray that would roast the flesh from your bones in seconds if you got too close.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Nothing Better To Do...

It's said great ideas come to you in the shower. I haven't bathed in nearly 36 hours because I was sleeping for the last 15 of those. Recovery is a bitch. But, while I was sleeping, I dreamed about coming back here and trying again. Seems like a good waste of time. It gives me a place to post that I don't have to interact with the stupid or family like on Twitter or Facebook.

Not much to say today. Busy cleaning up after family left and trying to keep my eyes open.

If your doctor offers you new antidepressants and you're allergic to the last batch, think twice before jumping at them. At least the anxiety medicine works. Also, I now understand the meaning of that Olivia Newton John song "Have You Ever Been Mellow?" Holy shit, that's a weird feeling.

Don't worry, I'm not crazy, not having manic episodes, not hearing voices or trying to hurt myself/anyone else. Just got tired of the overwhelming depression and severe panic attacks, and decided to get help.

Friday, September 23, 2016

What Happened, Why'd I Quit, Why'd I Return?

The problem with these questions is three fold. You have to go back to the early iterations of this blog. I tried to get this blog started 2 years ago. Another blog years before that. And, another blog years before that. Before that, RSD was a fanfiction website that had 9 generations. I was reuploading my works to different websites day-to-day at times. The net was a very insecure place before AO3, LJ, and Tumblr.

What happened: In the early days, I wanted to do a fanblog, including fanart and fanfic. There would be a few reviews. I wanted a blog on blogger, a few friends had them and got a small following, and I wanted that too. Reviews were my life blood. I never built up enough material beyond my fanfiction to get very far.

Why'd I Quit: The second blog was my original fiction blog. I wanted to monetize it, but found out that you had to have regular content that was unobjectionable according to the google adsense censors. You also had to have had a blog for six months. So, by the time I figured this out, the second blog had fizzled out. My dreamwidth account had dried up as my alpha readers disappeared on me. Throw in a new LJ friend with mental issues going apeshit over a joke, and I just wasn't in the mood.

I tried a month later with this blog, which I had had for a few years by then. I deleted the old posts, which had been numerous. The new format failed because my personal life failed, again. I lost regular contact with the last of my friends as their lives moved on. I don't know why. Maybe they had better things to do than talk with a failed writer. Maybe I was just too depressing to be around, since I kinda got stuck in the situation and couldn't get out of it. Being unemployed means you wrack disiprin!

Don't worry, I'm all bitter now.

Why'd I Return: Tumblr sucks. Seriously. There's not even fanfic there anymore. It's all links to AO3 or that godawful teenybopper website. You can find a thousand self-diagnosed assholes for every pornblog, and trust me, there are a lot of pornblogs there.

I don't know where everyone went. It feels like the world went away, again. This happens every so often.

That doesn't mean I'm going away, though. In fact, I decided, instead of finding where the movement went, I'm going to stick around here. Plant my flag on this blog account again. As my original works come out, it will get mentioned or posted here. And there is a lot of it in the works.

Where Do We Go From Here: Daily postings. Reviews. Jokes. Musings. A little news. Original Fiction. Maybe some original art. It's a personal blog, my crap and crap I find of interest will come together here.

That's good enough, ain't it?

Reactivating Old Systems.

So, it's been a long time.

Yeah. The writing hasn't progressed much, but I am doing better at it. I have several stories started and several more to work on before I get anything finished. It's a, dare I say it, WIP.

It's okay, I can post it here. There's not an audience yet, the blog is safe from boos and hisses.

Where we go from here? A daily blog with reviews, info, original works, and links to more interesting things? That's not been done before, at all. Nope. No way.

I'm just going to keep posting, though, to see if I can get something done in the mean time. Keep on truckin'!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cussin Iggy's Farmin' Almondac 9/20/14

Yo, sup?

It's that Sat-grr-Day again! WHAT? Shit, son! Well, all right, let's do this!

Today's report begins with a few announcements. The eggs we done placed in the incubator are all hatchin'. Well, all but a few. Mostly because those others done hatched earlier this week.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Let's Start With A Sad Smile.


When things become a bit hectic in your life, you look for a way to make changes. Recently, my life has given many reasons to focus on a new path. That's annoyingly vague, but this is the first post. I've found that it's best to be brief when stating the reason why any of this is here.

In short: This is my professional writing blog. Here, I will provide excerpts and short stories along with bits of information I pick up along the way. There will probably be posts about my experiences  and reviews, because I am naturally a catty person.

You like that word? Catty. It's a nice way of saying 'bitchy, but funny'. It's a manner of social skill that I aspire to. In such, expect references to Golden Girls and Designing Women. My dream is to be an author, the skill of being a writer, the wit of a comic, with the presence of a lovable Diva. When people simply call you 'that bitch', it's generally a good sign that you need to work at.

This blog post is dedicated to Elaine Stritch and James Garner. Old Hollywood and all class. Who needs gold when you got brassy old broads and silver-tongued devils?

Now, comes the boring part. After the jump, my mini-biography. Click it, don't, I promise that you won't hurt my feelings. It's hardly important when the point of your being here is to read my stories. Personally, one of the things I detest are biographies. My real life is boring enough, why should I care to read about a complete stranger's?